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short sleep duration health risks

Short Sleep Duration: Health Risk Factors And Chronic Health Conditions

Sleep is very important to individuals because that’s the only time our mind and body can rest after working for many hours in a…

healthy snacks for kids

Healthy Snacks for Kids: 10 Eco-Friendly Tips

Did you know that you can make nutritious snacks effortlessly? Most busy parents prefer store snacks that claim to be wholesome. However, they are…

health benefits of turmeric

Health Benefits of Turmeric: The Most Versatile Spice of India

Turmeric is a native Indian plant that has been used as a traditional spice and a medicine in India for thousands of years. The roots…

small changes that make big impact on health

6 Small Changes That Make A Big Positive Impact on Your Health

You have always wanted to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle. But ended up being confused most of the time. I know it feels…

mind-body medicine improves health

How Mind-body Medicine Can Greatly Improve Your Health

There’s a growing body of evidence that shows mind-body techniques like relaxation can enhance bodily functions and support healing. Medical experts…

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