Self Help

Caring for our mental health is a crucial part of our lives. Explore simple and effective ways with which you can improve your mental health and well-being.

turn your mobile into digital well-being device

Turn Your Mobile Into A Well-being Device During These Difficult Times

The freeingMe apps work like any form of healing energy and have been tested using Kirlian Photography in an…

getting vaccinated

Anxious About Getting Vaccinated? Here’s How To Stay Empowered

Here’s how you can stay empowered rather than paralyzed by your panic about getting vaccinated for COVID-19.Contemplating the

what is depression disorder

What Exactly Is Depression? Its Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Depression. I’m sure you’ve heard about it, even seen a few shows that touch on it, or maybe you…

Loneliness Threat To Seniors

Loneliness: A Threat To Seniors Physical And Mental Health

Among the numerous health concerns that can befall seniors, loneliness is the most widely recognized and least discussed. With aging…

Cognitive Health Issues in Old People

Cognitive Health Issues in Elderly: Challenges and Solutions

Throughout life, everybody starts to deal with aging, and there is a point in life where the person becomes…

common sleep problems

Common Sleep Problems: Habits, Symptoms and Treatments

In this new era, people are quite busy and bound to work longer. If you do not sleep well,…

stay healthy during lockdown

6 Tips To Help You Stay Motivated and Healthy During Lockdown

As cities around North America and the globe move back into yet another lockdown, staying motivated…

effects of technology addiction

Technology Addiction: Health Effects & Strategies To Overcome

Excessive use and over-dependence on technology is an addiction, and mental health professionals define it similar to other mental…

psychological support for elders

The Psychological Relief and Support the Elderly Expect From You

When you provide in-home care for seniors as a professional home care worker, there are various things your clients…

workplace yoga improves employee wellbeing

How Yoga at Workplace Can Improve Employee Wellbeing

Employee wellbeing has become an important factor in the success of any organization nowadays. Employers are implementing various health…