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ways to improve mental health and well-being

7 Effective Ways To Improve Your Mental Health and Well-being

Our mental health and well-being is much more than the absence of mental disorders. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is…

average person swallows credit card sized plastic

Average Person Swallows Credit Card Sized Plastic Every Week: Study Finds

A new study commissioned by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has warned that the average person is now consuming approximately 5 grams of plastic every…

reasons to avoid plastic water bottles

5 Biggest Reasons to Avoid Using Plastic Water Bottles

Water is essential for our health and survival. But every day, a huge amount of people around the world are buying water…

harmful effects of 5g on health

Scientists Warn 5G Could Cause Serious Health Hazards

5G is the fifth-generation mobile network technology, engineered to greatly increase the speed of wireless networks, enabling a significant increase in the amount of…

plant based diet to tackle climate change

Plant-Based Diet Is Key To Tackle The Climate Change: UN Report

A new UN report says switching to a plant-based diet can help fight the climate change and global warming. The report…

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