Mental Health

Explore expert insights, tips, and resources on mental health at Healthystic. Learn about stress management, anxiety, depression, mindfulness, and more to enhance emotional well-being.

how to stay mindful at work

6 Tested Ways to Remain Mindful at Work (Remote or On-site)

A lot has happened in the world in the past year, including the huge revamp in the way we…

Service dogs help veterans with PTSD

Service Dogs Can Help Veterans With PTSD and Anxiety: Study

As many as 1 in 5 of the roughly 2.7 million Americans deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan…

simple mindfulness practices

Mindfulness: 6 Simple Practices to Help Unclog Your Mind & Plan Your Tasks Ahead

From getting groceries for supper to picking the kids at school while trying to meet that tight work deadline,…

understanding PTSD for veterans

Understanding PTSD For Veterans

Mental health is a topic that affects all humans, whether positively or negatively. Some life experiences can improve your…

what is depression disorder

What Exactly Is Depression? Its Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Depression. I’m sure you’ve heard about it, even seen a few shows that touch on it, or maybe you…

Loneliness Threat To Seniors

Loneliness: A Threat To Seniors Physical And Mental Health

Among the numerous health concerns that can befall seniors, loneliness is the most widely recognized and least discussed. With aging…

stay healthy during lockdown

6 Tips To Help You Stay Motivated and Healthy During Lockdown

As cities around North America and the globe move back into yet another lockdown, staying motivated…

effects of technology addiction

Technology Addiction: Health Effects & Strategies To Overcome

Excessive use and over-dependence on technology is an addiction, and mental health professionals define it similar to other mental…

foods to cure anxiety

Foods For Anxiety: Nutritional Strategies To Ease Your Anxiety Levels

Do you often feel anxious and struggle with anxiety? Anxiety is basically an emotion, that you feel whenever you are…

psychological support for elders

The Psychological Relief and Support the Elderly Expect From You

When you provide in-home care for seniors as a professional home care worker, there are various things your clients…