There’s a growing body of evidence that shows mind-body techniques like relaxation can enhance bodily functions and support healing.
Medical experts are calling for mind-body medicine to be fully integrated with the treatment plans of patients and medical research.
What Is Mind-body Medicine?
Mind-body medicine is a term that signifies the interconnectedness of mind, body, and behavior. It focuses on the powerful ways in which physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual factors have a direct impact on health.
It includes relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, visual imagery, hypnosis, biofeedback, and many other cognitive therapies that help decrease patient symptoms.
The concept of mind-body medicine is integral to the healing methods of traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, which are more than 2000 years old.
How Can Mind-body Medicine Improve Your Health?
Researches show that these relaxation techniques are not just good for general well-being, but can also moderate the ill health effects of stress and anxiety.
As you might know, stress can intensify anxiety and depression. It also plays a role in many health conditions like cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases, and chronic pain.
Dr. Michelle Dossett, who specializes in Integrative Medicine at UC Davis Health, says mind-body practices can be a powerful addition to medicine by reducing the body’s stress response. She also added that these practices can also reduce the stress related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Scientists have deepened their understanding of how the immune system, along with other systems in our bodies can be influenced by the mind, both positively and negatively.
Also read: 5 Health Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation
The practical significance of this approach is that, by paying attention to and controlling your mental and emotional states, you can help yourself recover more rapidly from the sickness, or even stay healthy.
Examining the findings from different fields of research, it is implied that treating emotional distress should be an essential part of standard medical treatment. What’s great is that people can actively participate in managing their own health by taking care of their psychological states.
Final Thoughts
Of course, we have to be realistic about many factors at work in our health and ongoing illness. Therefore, it cannot be guaranteed that this therapy will work for everyone.
The best part of using mind-body medicine is that it has minimal physical and emotional risks and potentially high benefits.

Hello reader, I’m Abhishek Shankhwar, a mental health & wellness enthusiast and a digital marketing specialist by profession. As a passionate health and wellness writer, I feel obligated to inform, inspire, and reach out to so many people. In the meantime, you’ll always find me reading books, writing inspiring content, and cooking delicious food. Connect with me on LinkedIn.