Would ‘Jaggery’ Be More Beneficial for Losing Weight Than Adding Sugar To Your Diet?

Jaggery for weight loss

When opposed to sugar, Jaggery is frequently promoted as a safer alternative. Could it be, however, a viable weight-loss opportunity? Continue reading to find why and how.

Have been you attempting to reduce pounds but can’t stop yourself from eating anything delightful? If you’re attempting to lose weight, sugar is not your closest buddy.

Whenever it comes to weight reduction, added sugar in your diet is one of the worst foods to consume. Whenever it comes to losing weight, Jaggery, or Gur as it is termed in India, is promoted as a superior alternative.

Is that, however, truly a superior option? Let’s have a look.


What is the constitution of Jaggery?

Sugar-cane is used to make Jaggery, which is an unprocessed sweetness. It’s prepared by first boiling it and forming a block out of it. Date palm sap and coconut sap are two more frequently applied sources for manufacturing Gur. It can be bright blond to dark brown in appearance.


The three primary phases in the production of Jaggery are:

Extraction: The juice is extracted by pressing sugarcanes or palms.

Clarification: The next step, where after a long time of standing, the juice or sap is clarified by allowing the particles to subside. The juice is then filtered away, leaving a clear liquid behind.

Purification:  This is the last step where the clear liquid is now cooked for hours in plain pots. The juice is constantly swirled throughout this process. Furthermore, all of the contaminants that rise to the surface are scraped away. This should be done until you get a firm, yellow mixture.

The slurry is subsequently transferred to a large mold for preservation. To permit things to harden, they are allowed to cool. And take on the shape and form of Jaggery that we are familiar with.

Jaggery can range in hue from golden to light and dark brown, depending on where you get it. It is determined by the sugarcane’s freshness and the juice it provides.


Why does white sugar particularly hazardous?

Before something reaches your kitchen cabinets, white sugar travels through several stages of the production process. It eliminates all of its micronutrients eventually throughout this lengthy refining process.

To eliminate contaminants in powdered sugar, many functional units employ sulfate. However, sources report that the crystals often contain trace amounts of Sulphur. Nothing occurs at first. Frequent usage, on the other hand, may pose health risks over time.

White sugar provides you with empty calories! It merely makes your body fatter.  A high-sugar diet is linked to a higher risk of heart disease. Those who consumed 17 percent to 21 percent of their calories from refined sugar had a 38 percent higher possibility of losing all of their weight to heart disease than those who consumed just 8% of their caloric from added sugars in your diet.

Extra carbohydrates are converted into lipids by the liver as part of its metabolic function. Its burden can be increased by consuming too much white sugar. Whenever you don’t maintain track of your high-calorie diet, lipids (fats) might build up in the liver and cause it to become fatty.

Additional potential effects include diabetes, hypertension, and excess weight. However, additional study is needed to determine how sugar impacts people’s health.

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The comparison of Sugar and Jaggery

Jaggery is a delicious, nutritious meal that has been consumed by Indians for hundreds of years. In the athletic apparel industry, it has gained popularity as a “good health” sugar substitute. This natural sweetener replacement is easier to digest and includes minerals, making it a healthier choice.

Jaggery is better from a biological perspective due to its glucose content, which would be a nutritional metabolic end of the sweetener operation.

Molasses provides a modest amount of micronutrients to the mix. Sucrose, protein, fat, iron, magnesium, potassium, and manganese are also present. It also has B essential nutrients in that as well. In comparison to sweets, it is not only more wholesome but also lower in calories.

Because it is high in potassium, Jaggery can help you lose weight faster by revving up your energy. The potassium and zinc content in Jaggery makes it a suitable choice for maintaining electrolytic homeostasis in the body and assisting in the removal of water retention, both of which aid in weight reduction.

Health practitioners advocate substituting Jaggery for sugar because of its nutritious advantages. Although both are manufactured, sugar is subjected to a more rigorous procedure, therefore enabling it to lose its nutritious content.

Nonetheless, Jaggery just goes through a boiling procedure, which guarantees that it retains all of its nutrient elements. As a result, we may argue that it is a healthy alternative to sugar.

But hang in there! It might be too early to determine whether Jaggery can help you lose weight.

Also read: Can Probiotic Supplements Help With Weight Loss?


Is Jaggery Beneficial For Weight Loss?

Thus far, we’ve discussed Jaggery’s nutritional worth and how it differs from sugar. It aids digestion and is high in nutrients that aid weight loss. Nevertheless, you should keep track of how much Jaggery you ingest daily.

Excessive consumption can impair your body’s processes and exacerbate the situation. Furthermore, while Gur is healthier than sugar, it still has calories. Jaggery may be harmful to your health if ingested in large quantities.


What other health benefits can you get from Jaggery?


Jaggery Benefit #1

The anti-toxic and anti-carcinogenic benefits of the micronutrients in Jaggery are well known. It may even help to avoid disorders of the joints and teeth. Further study is needed to back up these assertions!

Ayurveda specialists, on the other hand, advocate consuming Jaggery with ginger or milk to strengthen the bones. It may also help with arthritic problems.


Jaggery Benefit #2

The iron pots in which Jaggery is made acquire a fine quantity of iron salts. That’s fantastic! The human body can easily acquire iron from Jaggery, according to research. It’s a lot simpler than it would be with other species.


Jaggery Benefit #3

For decades, Ayurveda has praised Jaggery as a blood cleanser. The poison is said to be removed from the stomach, intestines, and food pipe by eating Jaggery. It also gets rid of the mucus that has built up in the respiratory passages.

This can protect you from asthmatic, colds, coughs, and chest congestion, helping you build a healthy respiratory system. Our seniors also advise that if one is exposed to high levels of pollutants daily, one must take frequent dosages of Jaggery.


Jaggery Benefit #4

Many Indian houses have a long-standing culture of greeting visitors with a drink of water laced with Jaggery. It offers you energy and allows you to be active for longer periods.

Jaggery may be a lifeline in the winter. Why just not try mixing a little cube of Jaggery with warm water this winter and feeling the warmth for one’s yourself? It’s also delicious with coffee or tea.


Jaggery Benefit #5

Premenstrual Syndrome can cause havoc with your everyday schedule. Muscle spasms, mood changes, impatience, abdominal, muscular, and other pains – the list is extensive and frightening. Jaggery is a natural and efficient way to relieve menstruation discomfort.


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Anvi has done Bachelor’s and Master’s in Nutrition and Dietetics. She’s planning to do a Ph.D. in Public Health Nutrition moving forward.

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