The Search for Fulfillment: Insights to Guide Yourself

a woman doing mindfulness meditation to search for fulfillment

Finding personal fulfillment is the preoccupation these days. Too often, though, people rely on external influences in their search for purpose and meaning. Instead, uncovering fulfillment genuinely happens when we discover the greater purpose found in connecting to our higher consciousness.

The journey of self-discovery, awakening, and spiritual revelation is the path to deep fulfillment. We don’t have to be mystics to have a deep, authentic connection to the divine power. We’re all worthy and deserving of knowing the sacred truths of life, but we must first strip ourselves bare of that which isn’t real. It involves journeying to the place we never really left.

Personal fulfillment is achieved by learning to be in the present moment and better understanding our states of consciousness. The practice of Mindfulness — being totally aware of the contents of our mind — helps us gain a more realistic perspective in which we see that our negative thoughts and feelings can be transformed into more positive states of mind.

Our ensuring peace of mind will enable us to be positive and find fulfillment in our lives.

We need to connect to reality as awake and aware as possible, even when it means being present with our pain. You see, observing our thoughts and feelings through heightened awareness lets us observe them with acceptance and non-judgment.

Being willing to really feel them while at the same time being compassionate with ourselves, makes us more aware of what’s troubling us so that we can know what to do about it. We can point ourselves in the right direction and guide ourselves wisely instead of one that can be hurtful or harmful to us.

As you search for fulfillment, use these insights to guide you:


Rein in your busy mind

The moments of your life matter. You don’t want to waste them — not a single one. But it’s easy to get immersed in the busy-ness of life and to fixate on your endless to-do list.

Waking up to a more fulfilling path requires reining in your stress-filled thoughts and committing to being more present and aware.

The more present you are, the more awake you become, and the more heightened you become in your awareness.

You spend less time focusing on your “small self” and allow your spirit to soar to new heights through your raised consciousness.


Transcend limited thoughts and beliefs

Strive to strip yourself bare of those trivial and material things that deceive or distract you from the pure essence of your soul.

Drugs, alcohol, electronic devices, or other types of escapism from the doldrums of everyday life actually will lead you in the opposite direction from personal fulfillment.

Desiring a more fulfilling life starts with becoming aware of the thoughts you hold in your mind and acknowledging that you aren’t bound by them.

Transcending all that is limiting brings you closer to the spiritual nature of your being.


Embrace quietude and acceptance

As you quiet your thoughts through Mindfulness, you become more aware of the present moment and your authentic self.

This state of awareness makes you observant of your thoughts and feelings, experiencing them with acceptance and non-judgment because of your heightened awareness of what’s occurring in your mind.

When the pure essence of yourself is left alone to just “be,” you cultivate a familiarity with where your soul can rest in stillness and feel safe.


Open yourself to a higher consciousness

a woman taking a deep breath

Your soul desires to connect to a transcendent and abundant love. Spending time patiently and deeply examining the great themes of life will help you to know more about yourself, the universe, and your role in it.

But you must listen — and listen well. You may come to know God, or a Divine presence that sits with you.

Know that it wants you to be aware of the sacredness of life. It not only says, “Be still and know,” but it says again and again, “This moment right now is sacred, holy, and divine.”

Through Mindfulness practice, you can find fulfillment by looking at your life with curiosity, gratitude, and acceptance.


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Ora Nadrich is the founder and president of the Institute for Transformational Thinking and author of Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity, named among the “top 18 books on what an authentic life looks like” by PositivePsychology, and Mindfulness and Mysticism: Connecting Present Moment Awareness with Higher States of Consciousness. She is a certified life coach and Mindfulness teacher, specializing in transformational thinking, self-discovery, and mentoring new coaches. Contact her at