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10 best superfoods you should be eating daily

10 Superfoods You Should Consider Eating Every Day

Superfoods are nutrient-packed foods that you can incorporate in your diet to achieve your health goals. Although there is no proper definition of a…

health benefits of green tea

9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Green Tea [Backed By Science]

Green tea has emerged as one of the most desired drinks in the world today, all because of its soothing nature and impressive health…

matthew walker sleep scientist at google

Lack Of Sleep in Modern Society is Slowly Killing Us, Warns Neuroscientist

Sleep deprivation is widespread in modern society. It affects every aspect of our biology, yet the problem is not being taken seriously by employers…

yoga and meditation for addiction

How Yoga and Meditation Can Help Addiction Recovery

Since ancient times, humans have explored various ways to enhance their well-being by understanding the mechanics of their bodies. It includes physical and mental…

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