Hydration is essential every day, regardless of how hot or cold the climate is. The early stages of dehydration might induce fatigue, headaches, and a sense of “hunger” when it’s thirst, dry skin, chapped lips, and constipation.
Water aids in digestion to break down foods, helps deliver oxygen throughout your entire working body, aids in digestion from saliva production (which also houses digestive enzymes), lubricates joints, helps our brains create hormones and neurotransmitters, keeps our mucosal membranes moist (think of your lung and digestive tissues), transports nutrients.
How Much Water Do I Require?
The “golden rule” for how much water you should drink each day is 8-10 cups, but we’re all so varied that a good recommendation could be to start with 10 cups and then adapt based on your level of physical activity, weather, digestion, and so forth.
Pay attention to the color of your urine as well; generally, it should be pale yellow/clear, and if it’s dark yellow, this is an indication that you need to drink a lot more water.
Here are some unique ideas and strategies to remain hydrated throughout the day and to assist you in remembering to consume enough water:
Alarms every hour
Set up reminders on your smartphone to remind you to drink more water. It’s as easy as calling your alarm “Hey, drink some water!” You may even label the alarm “Get up to fetch a drink of water!” if you’re striving to get more steps in that day, “All you need is a slight push.”
Use a transparent container
This might help you see how much water you’ve already drank and how far you still have to go. If you have sliced lemon alternatively, it will add visual encouragement and encouragement to drink.
Keep water bottles everywhere you go
For example, carrying a water bottle with you at all times is great, but keeping one in the car, one at the office, one in the gym bag, in your room, and so on may assure that you have a water bottle everywhere you go, even if you unintentionally leave something behind.
Make sure to avoid using plastic bottles for water. The best ones are stainless steel and copper bottles.
Mark a spot on your bottle
Mark your water bottle with spots or marks, with each dot or marker representing a cup of water. If you draw 9 dots on your water bottle or the number of servings you intend to drink from it, then slide an elastic band along the dots as you drink 1 cup.
Use a brightly colored water bottle
There are several sophisticated water bottles available, ranging from self-cleaning to bright to the more basic camper-style water bottles. Align your water bottle to whatever connects with you and your personality to inspire you to carry it around more and keep it in mind.
Also read: How Bad Is Heavy Metal Contaminated Water For The Human Body?
Substitute all beverages with water
Substitute other beverages, including soda and sports drinks, with water to drink more water, improve your health, and minimize your calorie consumption. These beverages are frequently loaded with additional sugars, which may be exceedingly harmful to your health.
Reduce your added sugar consumption to less than 5% of your calorie intake for best health. This amount can be exceeded with just one (240-ml) cup of soda each day.
Additionally, substituting these sugary beverages with water is a simple and inexpensive approach to decrease calories and perhaps lose weight.
Consume more water-rich foods
One easy strategy to acquire extra water is to consume more water-rich foods. Water-rich fruits and vegetables like Cucumber, Watermelon, Strawberries, Lettuce, Cabbage, Celery, etc.
When you wake up and before going to bed, consume one glass of water
Simply drinking one glass of water when you wake up and another before going to bed is an easy method to increase your water consumption. A glass of cold water each morning may help you wake up and become more awake.
Additionally, drinking water before bedtime might help you avoid waking up with a dry mouth and poor breath.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, there are other explanations why water remains the preferable option. Consider that sugary drinks can cause weight gain and inflammation, increasing your chance of acquiring illnesses like diabetes. Caffeine might give you the jitters or prevent you from resting.
In addition, women should restrict their alcohol consumption to one drink per day, while males should limit their alcohol consumption to 1-2 drinks per day. Consume fluids regularly throughout the day to avoid dehydration.
A simple approach to do this is to drink with each meal, as well as socialize or with medicine. You may also receive fluids from water-rich meals like salads, fruit, and oatmeal.
Thumbnail Credit: Freepik

Anvi has done Bachelor’s and Master’s in Nutrition and Dietetics. She’s planning to do a Ph.D. in Public Health Nutrition moving forward.