Everything You Need to Know About Parkinson’s Disease

all you need to know about Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a movement illness that affects the neurological system over time. It begins slowly, with a barely detectable tremor in only one hand. While tremors are the most well-known symptom of Parkinson’s disease, the ailment is also associated with stiffness and slowed mobility.

Dr. Mohana Rao, a neurosurgeon in Guntur, says that your face may have little or no expression in the early stages of Parkinson’s disease, and your arms may not swing when you walk. Your voice may become hushed or slurred. The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease grow as the disease advances.

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Although there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, drugs can help you feel better. In addition, in some situations, your doctor may recommend surgery to help regulate specific areas of your brain and alleviate symptoms.


Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms and indicators of Parkinson’s disease differ from person to person. As a result, early warning indicators may be subtle and go missing. Even when symptoms start to impact both sides of your body, symptoms usually begin on one side of your body and get worse on that side.

According to neurosurgeons in India, these are the indications and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease:

  • There is a tremor: A tremor or shaking usually starts in one of your limbs, most commonly in your hand or fingers. A pill-rolling tremor is characterized by a back-and-forth rubbing of the thumb and forefinger. When your hand is relaxed, it tremors, which is a symptom of Parkinson’s disease (at rest).
  • Slowing of movement (bradykinesia): Parkinson’s disease can impede your movement and impair your ability to move, making routine tasks complex and time-consuming. For example, when you walk, your steps may get shorter, and getting out of a chair may become difficult. Additionally, as you try to walk, you may drag your feet, making it difficult to move.

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  • Muscles that are rigid: Muscle stiffness can strike at any time and in any portion of your body. Your range of motion may be limited, and you may have pain due to the stiff muscles.
  • Posture and balance issues: As a result of Parkinson’s disease, your posture may become stooped, and you may experience balance issues.
  • Suffering from a loss of automatic movements: For example, you may have a decreased capacity to conduct unconscious motions such as blinking, smiling, or swinging your arms when walking if you have Parkinson’s disease.
  • The way you speak changes: As a result of Parkinson’s disease, you may experience speech difficulties. You have the option of speaking softly, fast, slurring or pausing before speaking. Also, instead of the regular inflections, your speech may be more monotonous.


When should you see a doctor?

If you experience any of the symptoms linked with Parkinson’s disease, see your neurosurgeon to diagnose your condition and rule out other possible causes.



Specific nerve cells (neurons) in the brain eventually break down or die in Parkinson’s disease. Many of the symptoms are caused by the death of neurons in your brain that produces dopamine, a chemical messenger. When dopamine levels fall, aberrant brain activity occurs, resulting in Parkinson’s disease symptoms.

Although the exact causation of Parkinson’s disease is uncertain, several factors appear to be involved, including:

  • Your inherited traits: Researchers have identified particular genetic variants that can cause Parkinson’s disease, although they are uncommon unless multiple family members have the disease. On the other hand, specific gene changes appear to enhance the chance of Parkinson’s disease, while the risk of Parkinson’s disease is relatively low for any of these genetic markers.
  • Triggers in the environment: Certain chemicals or environmental factors may raise the likelihood of developing Parkinson’s disease later in life, though the risk is modest.


Factors that are at risk

The neurosurgeon lists the following risk factors for Parkinson’s disease:

  • Your age. Parkinson’s disease affects just a tiny percentage of young individuals. It usually starts in middle or late life, and the risk grows as you become older. The condition usually strikes people at the age of 60 or older.
  • You’re more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease if you have a close family who has it. Unless you have many Parkinson’s disease relatives in your family, your risks are relatively low.
  • Men are more prone than women to develop Parkinson’s disease.
  • Toxic exposure is a concern. Continuous exposure to herbicides and pesticides may increase your risk of Parkinson’s disease by a small amount.



These different disorders, which may be treated, are frequently associated with Parkinson’s disease:

  • Problems with thinking: In the later stages of Parkinson’s disease, you may develop cognitive issues (dementia) and thinking difficulties. Medication doesn’t seem to help with such cognitive issues.
  • Emotional changes and depression: Depression is a common symptom of Parkinson’s disease. Depression medication may make it simpler to cope with the additional obstacles of Parkinson’s disease. Other emotional changes, such as fear, anxiety, or a lack of drive, may also occur. To alleviate these symptoms, your doctor may prescribe medicine.
  • Issues with swallowing: As your health worsens, you may experience difficulty swallowing. Due to slower swallowing, saliva may collect in your mouth, resulting in drooling.
  • Sleep disturbances and issues: Sleep problems are common in people with Parkinson’s disease. They can include waking up repeatedly throughout the night, getting up early, or falling asleep during the day. Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder, which involves acting out dreams, is also a possibility. Medications may be able to help you with your sleep issues.
  • Issues with the bladder: Parkinson’s disease can lead to bladder issues such as the inability to control peeing or trouble peeing.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome: Constipation is common in Parkinson’s disease, owing to a slowed digestive tract.


You may also encounter:

  • Changes in blood pressure: When you stand up, you may feel dizzy or lightheaded due to a reduction in blood pressure (orthostatic hypotension).
  • There’s a stench of disorder: You can have issues with your sense of smell. For example, you can have trouble distinguishing between odors or identifying certain odors.
  • Tiredness: Parkinson’s disease causes many people to lose energy and weariness, although the cause isn’t always known.
  • Discomfort: Many patients with Parkinson’s disease suffer discomfort in different parts of their bodies or all over their bodies.
  • Sexual impotence: Sexual desire or performance may be reduced in those with Parkinson’s disease.


Exercises for Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease frequently causes difficulties with daily activities. The neurosurgeon, Dr. Mohana Rao, recommends these simple stretches and exercises that may help you move around and walk more safely.

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To improve walking:

  • Take your time when walking.
  • Keep a steady pace and avoid moving too quickly.
  • Start with your heel on the ground.
  • Stand up straight and check your posture. You’ll be able to shuffle less as a result of this.


To keep from falling:

  • Avoid walking backward.
  • Avoid carrying items while walking.
  • Avoid leaning and reaching as much as possible.
  • Make a U-turn to turn around. Avoid pivoting on your toes.
  • Get rid of any tripping risks in your home, such as strewn rugs.


When it comes to getting dressed:

  • Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to prepare. Do not be in a hurry.
  • Choose clothing that is simple to put on and take off.
  • Instead of buttons, use Velcro on objects.
  • Look for slacks and skirts that have elastic waistbands. These may be less difficult to work with than buttons and zippers.


Yoga employs targeted muscular activity to develop muscle mass, mobility, and flexibility. In addition, yoga may assist people with Parkinson’s disease in regulating tremors in some of their affected limbs.


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