According to studies, exercise is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle as it reduces the risk of developing various health conditions such as heart disease and stroke. However, there is always a risk of injury with exercise.
While some workout injuries are due to overtraining or an accident, others can occur from improper technique or using equipment that is not fit for purpose.
If you are an avid gym-goer, the chances are that you have experienced a workout injury at some point in your life. Injuries can happen for many reasons, including improper form, overtraining, or just pushing your body too hard.
If you have an injury keeping you from working out, you can do many things to help yourself recover and get back on track. A few of which include:
1. Compression
Compression can help reduce inflammation and swelling. It helps to apply compression soon after the injury occurs to prevent further swelling.
You can use a compression bandage or wrap, which you can purchase at most pharmacies or drugstores. However, be sure not to wrap too tightly, as this could cause further damage.
For instance, if you are covering an ankle injury, avoid wrapping it so tightly that it cuts off circulation. Also, depending on the body part, maybe use an elbow or ankle support explicitly designed for that part of your body.
2. Rest
Get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activities that could worsen your injury. It means skipping the gym for a while and avoiding heavy lifting and even housework.
Take some time off and give your body a chance to heal properly. You may also want to consider seeing a physical therapist or sports counselor and learn exercises and stretches to help you recover.
Besides rest, your body also needs nutrients to recover. Make sure you are getting plenty of protein and a balanced diet so that your body can repair itself.
3. Ice
Applying ice to your injury can help to reduce inflammation and swelling, which will speed up the healing process. Try using an ice pack or even a bag of frozen veggies if you don’t have anything else at hand.
Make sure not to apply the ice directly to your skin and use a cloth or towel between your skin and the ice as direct contact could cause further damage.
Also, use ice for no more than 20 minutes to avoid frostbite. Besides using ice, you may also want to try taking anti-inflammatory medications to reduce pain and inflammation.
Also read: Holistic Wellness: 6 Tips To Improve Overall Health
4. Heat
After the swelling has gone down, you can start applying heat to your injury. It will help loosen up the muscles and promote blood flow. However, use heat in moderation, as too much heat can slow down the healing process.
Also, make sure the heat is not exposed to open wounds or any areas with skin irritation. And as with icing, do not apply heat to your skin directly – use a cloth or towel between your skin and the heat source.
5. Elevation
Elevation helps to reduce swelling by allowing gravity to pull the fluid away from the injury. It will help to reduce swelling and pain, as well as promote healing. Prop up your injured body part on a pillow or towel when resting.
You may also want to consider wearing compression garments when sleeping to help with elevation. However, avoid wearing compression and elevation together as it makes the swelling worse.
6. Rehabilitation
Once your injury has healed, you may need to undergo a rehabilitation period to help restore strength and flexibility in the injured area. It may involve doing specific exercises and stretches and using heat, ice, and other treatments.
You may also want to consider working with a physical therapist or healthcare professional to create a customized rehabilitation plan. However, avoid any exercises and treatments that could make your injury worse.
Talk with your doctor before starting any rehabilitation plan.
7. Prevention
The best way to avoid workout injuries is to prevent them from happening in the first place. It means warming up before exercising, cooling down afterward, and wearing the proper gear.
Stretch and use good form when lifting weights, doing yoga poses, or exercising in any other way. Try avoiding exercises that strain your body too much, and listen to your body if it is telling you to rest.
If you start to feel pain, don’t ignore it – take a break and see a doctor if the pain doesn’t go away.
Also read: 5 Approaches to Treating Muscle Sprains and Strains
8. Follow a good diet
A healthy, balanced diet is also essential for healing your workout injuries quickly and preventing new ones in the future. Avoid foods high in fat and sodium, as they can slow down the healing process.
Instead, focus on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables packed with nutrients that can help your body heal. In addition, it would be best to drink plenty of water to help keep your tissues hydrated and promote healing.
Finally, avoid drinking alcohol, as it can delay the healing process.
9. Get enough sleep
Sleep is vital for overall health, including the healing process. When you are sleeping, your body can rest and focus on repairing any damage that has occurred fully.
Hence, make sure to get plenty of rest – aim for at least eight hours of sleep per night. You may also want to consider taking naps during the day if you feel tired.
10. Reduce stress
Finally, reduce your stress levels as much as possible. Stress doesn’t just make you feel bad – it also slows down the healing process. So do what you can to reduce stress in your life, which will help you heal quicker and prevent further injuries in the future.
Consider meditating, doing relaxation exercises, or talking to a therapist if you feel overwhelmed. However, talk to your doctor before starting any new stress-reduction methods.
Bottom Line
Workout injuries are common, but there are things you can do to prevent them. Warm up before exercising, cool down afterward, and wear the proper gear. You should also avoid doing movements that strain your body, stretch properly, and listen to your body. If you do start to feel pain, see a doctor right away.
In addition to these injury-prevention tips, it is also essential to follow a healthy, balanced diet. It includes eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding foods high in fat and sodium. It would help if you also tried to get plenty of sleep and reduce your stress levels as much as possible.
By following these tips, you can help recover from workout injuries quickly and prevent them in the future.
For more such fitness tips, follow our health and wellness blog Healthystic on social media to stay updated.

This article is published by our independent team of health and wellness pundits that publish original and informative content to empower readers to take charge of their health and embark on a physically, mentally, and emotionally balanced lifestyle.