Dental implants have been a critical solution to major and minor dental issues. With so many advantages, such as restoring the natural functions of lost teeth, most people still aren’t aware of when to seek dental implant services.
Taking care of your teeth ensures you can offer a smile and can be comfortable around people without worrying about a lost tooth. This article will explore the signs that show you require a dental implant.
Your partials or dentures are loose
When your partials or dentures are loose, you get to be so uncomfortable and worried that they might fall when taking or eating. However, this problem is solvable through the use of artificial teeth.
The advantage is that they will always look natural, and you don’t have to be worried more about your loose dentures. Some people even struggle using adhesives to fix their dentures, which can get very uncomfortable.
Artificial teeth do not alter your oral care program, such as brushing, as they act and feel natural. If you have bruxism, you need to use the bruxism guard to prevent damaging the implant crown sited on top of it.
When having a missing tooth or teeth
Before the advancement of new technology in hospitals and dental care, artificial teeth enabled everybody to put smiles on their faces without feeling ashamed of their missing tooth.
Having dental implants helps you smile more comfortably as it looks natural and blends well with the rest of the teeth. Seek your appointment with your dentist and get your missing tooth replaced.
You got a loose bridge
Having a bridge between your teeth can be very unpleasant, especially if you love to put a smile on your face often. Having a dental implant from an expert dentist will ensure you get rid of the loose bridge. Unlike using dentures, dental implants are durable and permanent.
Infected tooth that needs to be a removed
In most cases, the tooth can get affected due to various factors, such as the type of food you eat and the drink you take. To end this pain and ensure your dental formula is intact, you can opt to do a medical treatment of the affected tooth using some procedures, or you can opt to remove it.
When making this decision, consult with your dentist to evaluate the extent of the infection and recommend either the tooth is restorable or you might require some transplant.
The advantage of a dental implant is it works just like a normal tooth with no special care required. However, it’s vital to do proper maintenance to ensure it will serve you for a more extended period.
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You have a cracked or broken tooth
Having a broken or cracked tooth can make you very uncomfortable and sometimes very painful if the crack has extended to the roots. Having a cracked tooth can lead to infections which can be costly to fix later.
Choosing a dental implant instead of a dental crown can help you preserve the teeth’ functionality and natural feel. You should consult with the dentist to help guide you on the best option and give you better ways to fix it through an implant.
If you have the above condition, it’s wise that you visit a dentist and recommend an implant. Dental implants are durable and naturally blend well with your teeth, so you don’t have to worry about them looking fake.
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