Editorial Team

Yoga Helps Mental Health

How Yoga Helps Your Mental Health

Yoga is among the most popular complementary health approaches practiced by adults in the United…

Non-surgical Procedures For Age-related Problems

Defying Age in 40s: 7 Non-surgical Procedures For Age-related Problems

Hello gorgeous! You have hit the magical age where you are still young enough to enjoy life but old…

woman having menstruation pain

Myths And Facts About Menstruation You Should Know

The menstrual cycle is a really normal phenomenon that actually happens to almost all women from the time of…

crystals for change and transformation

5 Energy Crystals for Change and Transformation

Many people desire transformation and change. Sometimes, you might not achieve that change in your life. You might not…

holistic wellness tips

Holistic Wellness: 6 Tips To Improve Overall Health

Experts are now emphasizing the importance of holistic wellness to be the best healthier version of yourself. Holistic wellness…

health benefits of deep tissue massage therapy

4 Health Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage Therapy

If you are having a hard time dealing with stiff neck and muscle strain after hours of working on…

eating disorders treatment

Eating Disorder Treatment: Know The Therapy Options

Eating disorders can affect individuals of any age, gender, ethnicity, physical weight, shape, or size. The physical, mental, and…

Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

10 Ways To Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

According to the study of Global Burden of Disease, the number one risk factor for causing death is high…

Mental Wellness Goals

Tips To Achieve Your Mental Wellness Goals Amid Pandemic

Mental wellness is a priority for Americans in pandemic times for valid reasons. After two challenging years and an…

clean your home air naturally

How To Clean the Air in Your Home Naturally

The air quality in your home plays a large part in maintaining your health and…