Whenever I tell people about my travels, and the fact that I am one of the few people to have traveled to every country in the world, they often look at me incredulously. They make statements like “You must be a millionaire!” and ask questions like “How did you do that?”
The simple truth is that I have listened to my heart and have made daring decisions to steer my life in the direction my heart told me to. When I was working in IT, I liked the job, but I dreaded the office hours.
After four years, I concluded that I would not be happy living this kind of life for many more decades to come. I was yearning to explore the world and see if I could find a way of life that would make me happier.
I took the bold decision to quit my job, to cancel the apartment I was renting, to store my belongings with friends and family, and to head out into the world.
Letting Go
Sure enough, when I woke up on the day I didn’t have to go to work anymore, I felt insecure. What would the future bring? How would I survive without an income?
But I quickly realized that if things didn’t work out, I would simply find myself another job. First, I had to follow my heart.
I still remember the reaction of some colleagues when I told them about my decision. They asked me “Where are you going to work now?” “How much more will you earn?” When I told them I would not have any salary anymore, or a place to live, their eyes widened. “What? Are you crazy? Giving up everything you have?” “How are you going to survive?”
They simply couldn’t imagine that leaving all the safety of a job and an apartment behind was a good idea – or even feasible. Behind this, of course, lay fear. Fear of leaving the securities behind and stepping into the unknown.
Some of my acquaintances were tied to their lives by a mortgage, by the upbringing of their kids, by the comfort of not having to think too much about the future and having planned it as much as possible.
Letting In
Meanwhile, leaving my job to discover my dream turned out to be the best decision of my life. Just like that other decision: to visit every country in the world. When embarked on this journey, it seemed like a daunting, crazy idea, which indeed it was.
There were moments when I asked myself if I had gone mad. It took dedication and sacrifice, too. But with hindsight, I can safely say that it has brought me some of the most precious memories of my life. It has enriched me in so many ways.
It is always easy to find excuses not to live your dream. “I have to do what I’m doing.” “I cannot do without that.” But I am convinced that if there is a will, there is a way.
One of the best examples I can give is of Tété-Michel Kpomassie. As a young boy of a poor family, born and raised in a thatched hut in a small village in Togo (West Africa), he dreamt of visiting Greenland.
Just imagine – so far away from his home, and such a completely different world. Such an unlikely idea. Surely, his relatives must have persuaded him to let go of his dream, just as he himself must have had concerns and doubts.
Yet, he could not let go of his dream. He embarked on what would turn out to be a voyage of ten years, working his way up the coast of Africa, into Europe, to eventually land in big, cold Greenland as the first black man to do so.
He ended up staying there for a couple of years to live the life he dreamt of. Talk about dedication and determination.
Follow Your Heart
If Tété-Michel Kpomassie could pull this off, against all odds, isn’t this a fantastic inspiration for anyone who has a dream of their own?
Life is simply too short not to live your dream. Listen to your heart and what it has to tell you. Let go of your fears and those inner voices that try to persuade you to ignore your inner self.
Try to let go of thinking in impossibilities, but instead, imagine how you can make things work to live your dream. Think about it, talk about it, feel the flow of anticipation catch up with you, and then take that step. That leap of faith.
Following your heart can hardly be wrong – right? It is the best present you can ever give yourself.
Image by Freepik
Boris Kester is an author, fearless adventurer, senior purser, polyglot, avid sportsman, programmer, and political scientist. He is one of about 250 people worldwide to have traveled to every country in the world. According to the authoritative travel site nomadmania.com, Boris ranks among the best-traveled people on the planet. He is the author of The Long Road to Cullaville: Stories from my travels to every country in the World. He shares his travel photos and stories on traveladventures.org. Learn more at boriskester.com.