The air quality in your home plays a large part in maintaining your health and your productivity. Exposure to subpar air can lead to devastating health complications and may even affect your professional life.
To remedy this, it is important to regularly clean your home and increase the level of air quality.
There are numerous ways to do this, but one method stands out among others due to its sustainability — an air-purifying mechanism.
Carbon Dioxide in Your Home
Carbon dioxide is a type of gas that naturally occurs in our atmosphere. It is often associated with pollution and global warming because it is commonly emitted by cars, factories, appliances, and practically any industry.
An increase in carbon dioxide in your home may lead to a number of complications to your health which include fatigue, difficulty in breathing, and headaches.
Carbon dioxide is a part of our everyday lives — it resides in our offices, when we walk outside, in our children’s classrooms, and in our cars, among many other things that you will come across. This is even more so inside your home, where there are numerous sources of carbon dioxide like your appliances, kitchen, fireplace, and even the ground beneath you.
Failing to reduce the levels of CO2 in your homes will have a significant impact on your health and productivity, especially since an increased level of carbon dioxide will contribute to the increase in air pollutants in your home as well.
Therefore, it is wise to seek any type of recourse that will help you reduce carbon dioxide levels.
How Can You Reduce It?
There are a number of ways in which you can reduce carbon dioxide levels in your home (and naturally clean the air) which will cost you very little, especially when compared to the medical costs that you will be spared from if you ever have any complications due to carbon dioxide overexposure.
The first recourse is to open your windows and facilitate better air circulation in your home. By doing this, carbon dioxide will be able to escape from the inside and allow fresh air to enter.
Secondly, you need to minimize your use of flames indoors such as fire from your fireplace, and by opting for a flameless stove, which can be rather expensive. However, when made, this can contribute to better levels of oxygen and a decreased CO2 level.
The third thing that you can do is to smoke outdoors. Smoking indoors contributes to the carbon dioxide levels in your home as well.
Lastly, but certainly not least, the most viable option is to invest in air purifying mechanisms that will help in flushing out carbon dioxide from your home.
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We understand that you worry about the eco-friendliness of the products you use as air purifiers. That’s why we recommend organic air purifiers so you will not have to compromise on your health and commitment to preserving the environment.
Algae-Based Air Purifier
Because of the perceived destructiveness of traditional air purifiers, we have researched using micro-algae as an organic air purifier.
Micro-algae are very similar to plants in that they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. The main difference, however, is that micro-algae reside in waters in contrast to terrestrial plants. AlgenAir developed the world’s first algae-based organic purifier as a viable alternative to your traditional air purifiers to clean your home air.
How Does It Work?
Traditional air purifiers only suck in carbon dioxide from inside your home but fail to filter them, thereby failing to improve the air quality.
To remedy this, homes usually use plants as natural air filters, converting carbon dioxide accumulated by your home from its inhabitants into oxygen. The problem with this setup, however, is that plants waste a lot of your home’s resources and require constant maintenance and monitoring such as routine watering, trimming, and weeding.
An algae-based organic air purifier does not suffer from these disadvantages. You only have to place it on top of your desk and billions of micro-algae will convert your home’s carbon dioxide into oxygen through photosynthesis, thereby increasing the air quality inside your home.
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Furthermore, if you are looking to save space in your home or office, then an organic air purifier is a great option since its air-purifying capabilities are equivalent to that of 25 house plants.
Clean Your Home’s Air Naturally With an Organic Air Purifier
Getting an algae-based air purifier presents benefits that far exceed its disadvantages.
For instance, you get a powerhouse air filtration system that provides fresh air for a maximum of two months with the very minimal effort exerted in setting it up. Furthermore, these algae can then be used as natural fertilizers for your house plants after two months of use.
While the idea of algae-based air purifiers is still new, this is a perfect opportunity to learn the capabilities of algae and how they can be utilized to improve air quality within your home and even your office.
Start cleaning your home’s air sustainably today by choosing an algae-based organic air purifier.

This article is published by our independent team of health and wellness pundits that publish original and informative content to empower readers to take charge of their health and embark on a physically, mentally, and emotionally balanced lifestyle.